Paolino Canzoneri is an artist and composer based in Palermo, Italy. From 2009 to 2022 he released albums and digital singles of abstract and minimal experimental electronic music following influences related to the Krautrock of central Europe and he does so both as a soloist and with various active music projects: Nesting Error, Mantra Regula, Urbis Nulla; Wishcollapse but without a regoular release of music.
He opened and managed two online labels (net labels): Nostress Netlabel founded in 2011 and Batenim Netlabel founded in 2013 releasing digital albums for free download under Creative Commons license by artists from all over the world including compilations digital annuals and entire digital recordings of concerts in Italy and abroad.He has also produced some albums in CD format in limited editions available exclusively by donation to be integrated with personal investments that allow him to come into direct contact with artists from Italian territory, Russia, Albania, France etc. and to participate as a label partner in various cultural and musical events.
In 2016 he made his first approaches to modular synthesis by producing and releasing the album Cryogenic Dispersal together with the international pioneer of the "industrial" musical genre Maurizio Bianchi M/B; the album receives great interest and appreciation with reviews in some Italian music magazines. In 2021, when the period and the interest for netlabels is definitively over, he commmits the artist Nicola Manzan for a complex work of re-mastering new reissues for all previous albums in exclusively digital format. Complete archive available here:
The release of the album Il cielo incupisce in digital and CD format published by Seahorse Recordings definitively marks the change of music direction and a clear distance from previous works. The reviews on webzines appear enthusiastic.
From 2023 his music becomes electroacoustic dronescaping. Deep, atmospheric and evocative sound design. Environmental dreamlike, ethereal, meditative thoughts and sounds focused on creating abstract conceptual soundscapes.