digital album / limited edition handcrafted CDr in colored cardboard wallets

Released the album "L'ULTIMA VOLTA DI OGNI COSA" (The last time of everything) in digital edition and CDr limited Edition 43 copies, hand numbered, hand made packages with various colored wallets with envelopes. Professional duplicated high quality CDr by the label located in Amsterdam (Netherlands): SHIMMERING MOODS RECORDS.
...I have often wondered what makes fortune immense and what is the most precious good or treasure.
Only at a precise moment in life, when youth has passed, do I approach a possible response, the only one able to correct the mistakes of life and illuminate the pace of any path taken. As it would be all magificent if you knew ahead of time when it will be...the last time of everything.
...mi sono chiesto spesso cosa rende immensa la fortuna e qual'č il bene o il tesoro pių prezioso. Solo in un preciso momento della vita, quando la giovinezza č trascorsa mi avvicino ad una possibile risposta, l'unica in grado di correggere gli errori della vita e illuminare il passo di un qualsiasi cammino intrapreso. Come sarebbe tutto magificente se si conoscesse anzitempo quando sarā...l'ultima volta di ogni cosa.
Written, composed, performed, recorded and mixed by Paolino Canzoneri (Palermo, 2024)
Artwork by Paolino Canzoneri
Mastered by Nicola Manzan
Released: 3 may 2024
Catalog number: SHM297
Video track: Quel tutto che non basta mai [06:14]
The label released a limited Edition 43 CDr, hand numbered, hand made packages with various colored wallets with envelopes. Professional duplicated high quality CDr.