digital album / CD digipack edition

Released the album IL CIELO INCUPISCE (The sky darkens) in digital version and CD digipack edition by the label located in Italy: SEAHORSE RECORDINGS.
Seven tracks of ambient music, seven redundant passages of an imaginary tale with harmonious colors that tells innocence and fears of a little girl in the solemn and profound act of a plea in search of a salvation expressed with a sad prayer in a late afternoon while all around seems to darken. The songs are linked together by a meditative and dreamlike musicality where arpeggios and harmonic scales follow a common thread for each song as a resonant music box, sometimes weeping, in the mind of the child. The whole album was created and played thanks to the use of modular synthesis systems and caresses of soft, sometimes virtual analogue synthesizers.
Sette brani di musica ambient, sette passaggi ridondanti di una favola immaginaria dalle tinte armoniche che racconta innocenza e timori di una piccola fanciulla nell'atto solenne e profondo di una supplica alla ricerca di una salvezza espressa con una mesta preghiera in un tardo pomeriggio mentre tutto intorno sembra oscurarsi. I brani sono legati tra loro da una musicalità meditativa e onirica dove arpeggi e scale armoniche seguono un filo conduttore per ogni brano come un carillon risonante, a tratti piangente, nella mente della bimba. Tutto l album è stato creato e suonato grazie all'impiego di sistemi di sintesi modulare e carezze di sintetizzatori analogici di tenue passaggio, talvolta virtuali.
Written, composed, performed, recorded and mixed by Paolino Canzoneri (Palermo, 2022)
Artwork by Luigi Cilento
[elaboration of a photo of the Amerigo Tomb (G. Moreno 1890).
Staglieno Monumental Cemetery in Genoa]
Mastered by Nicola Manzan
Released: 13 January 2023
Catalog number: SRCD969
Digital Album / CD digipack edition:
CD also available through
music webzines / magazines
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- review: webzine The New Noise by Vasco Viviani
- review: webzine MusicMap by Mauro Furlan
- review: webzine Rockit by Mattia Nesto
- review from a post by Mirco Salvadori (Rockerilla magazine)